Friday, May 22, 2009

Bored in Studyhall :)

Okay, so I'm sitting here listening to Boom Boom Pow by The Black Eyed Peas. I'm not a fan of studyhall, so I decided to listen to some music instead. This is officially my favorite song today. I think I need to edit my favorite songs and put this as number one. It's the best! So yesterday we went outside for Environmental and Creative Writing, and it was the best especially since we suntanned in creative writing. I love that class, it's the best! Plus I have all my friends in that class so it makes it even better. So I started the fourth book in the Twilight saga, Breaking Dawn. I love those books, they are officially my favorite. The fourth book is amazing, and more than half of the stuff thats happened so far I never saw coming! So, the bells going to ring, and now i get to go to Creative Writing!

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