Thursday, May 7, 2009


So i'm sitting here in creative writing trying to come up with a short story to write that is due really soon - like within a few days. This assignment is driving me crazy becasue no matter how long I sit and think about what I want to write about...nada. I'm having such a hard time coming up with stuff to write about, but this doesn't suprise me. Everytime I try and write something, I can't come up with anything...I always come up with the best ideas when I least expect it. This is why I'm not doing to well on this assignment, and it is also why I'm blogging right now instead of writing my short story. Any ideas? I don't know. I guess i'm just going to have to wait and let the it come to me. Hopefully it will...eventually.
But, aside from that, I am really really excited becasue my birthday is in a week!!!! Finally, I will not be the youngest one out of all my friends! I can't wait! I mean, it is so wierd how in high school one year can make such a difference especially - when it comes to age. Being one year older seems exciting, but it also is pretty scary considering I'm only getting closer to becoming an adult! AH!!!! I hate thinking about growing up and moving out, going to college and getting a real's so scary especially because I honestly don't really know yet what I want to be. It can be so frustrating sometimes because it seems like everyone else around you already has their future al planned out and they know exactly where they're going and what they're doing! Again, AH!! I really need it to hit me and soon so that I feel a little more prepeared for my future, but for now, I'm just chilling here waiting for something to hit me and my brain scream "That's exactly what you should do with the rest of your life!!!" But, for now, I guess I'll just have to wait and see.
Plus, I am so excited for summer!!! I think we only have like 20 something days left until schools out! Yeah! I love summer not only because it's nice outside, but because we finally get a break form school. I'm definitley looking forward to summer - family, friends, cookouts, swimming...i simply cannot wait and I am going crazy sitting here right now knowing that I have to go through like 20 more days of this place....which really isn't that bad, but hey, it's school. Enough said.

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