Wednesday, June 3, 2009


So i'm sitting in Creative Writing extremely bored when i'm supposed to be working on my portfolio that is due tomorrow. Only problem is....i left my papers at home and i can't find my play I wrote! AHHHHHH! you would think that the last four days of school would be fun and not stressful....wrong! The last days are the most stressful ones! Again...AHHHHHH! And i have to work so it makes it even harder to get things done on time because once i get home from school i go right to work and dont get home until late. Plus, just when you think that you have everything done, you get another assignment!!!! ugh! i dislike school very very much at this point and time and i just want it to be summer so i can sleep in and have fun and not worry about schoolwork!!!! Counting down the days!!! We officially have one more full day of school left and then exams which stink but you get to get out of school early so thats always fun! Well I'm gonna go work on my portfoilio now because blogging, stalling and wasting time is bound to make me even more stressed out eventually.

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