Thursday, February 5, 2009

Someone Else's Thoughts

While I was browsing, I came across a blog called Ramblings of a Dreamer, and I decided to check it out. I was drawn to this blog because of its title. "Ramblings of a Dreamer" just sounds like something that a creative writer would name their blog. The first thing that I read was a poem called "I sometimes wonder ..." which is a poem all about what this person thinks about. As I scrolled through the blog, There are a bunch of mini entries about who 'you are'. This is very interesting because the author goes through and talks about many different personality types, but when I read through them all, I realized that I related to more than one of them. I thought this was interesting. This author sounds very genuine, and I can relate to her very easily; I'm sure others can too by what she writes about.
She then goes on to a list titled "Have You Ever?". This list is very interesting because it sounds to me like it is a list of things people seem to want to do or accomplish in life before they die. It is a very interesting list, and it goes from sleeping under the stars to visit the White House. It is a very creative list and sound like things people actually want to do.
All in all, I chose this blog to write about because it is very interesting, creative, and most improtantly, not boring. I can also relate to the author because she seems very genuine and creative; her blog keeps you wondering what she will write about next.


  1. caitlin. we should make a list of have you evers :D
    okay byeeeeeeeee

  2. Thanks so much for writing about my blog. I just came across your entry now. Your words really made my day. :)
